National CDA Training Thu, 20 Jun 2019 21:42:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 National CDA Training 32 32 Top Goals of Early Childhood Education Mon, 22 Apr 2019 08:13:14 +0000 When talking about child growth and development, the importance of early childhood education can’t be overstated. A child’s future development and success largely depend on their early years. It is during these years that a child’s learning abilities are formed and strengthened.

By providing children with high-quality early childhood education, we are providing them with a strong base for lifelong learning and help them maximize their potential. It will prepare them for the transition into formal schooling and give them a head start towards future success. Keep reading and learn more about the key goals of a good quality early childhood education program.

Key goals of early childhood education

Cognitive development

The first five years in a child’s life are considered to be the most crucial. This is the phase when rapid brain development takes place. A lot of learning happens during this phase. This is the reason why it is extremely important for parents to invest in their children’s early education.

Early childhood education plays a significant role in shaping a child’s intellectual, social, and emotional wellbeing. It gives them a good grasp of things they will learn later in kindergarten and elementary school. Beyond subjects like Math, writing, art and Science, early childhood education can also awaken a child’s love for lifelong learning which helps set them on the path for future success.

Early childhood education fosters a child’s social skills

Early childhood education aims to foster a child’s social skills. Children, just like adults, need to learn how to form and maintain healthy relationships. They need to learn how to make friends and is one of the most important things they will learn in daycare or preschool.

Childcare centers provide kids with plenty of opportunities to socialize not only with other kids but also with other adults. They provide the kind of environment that encourages them to leave their comfort zones. As a result, kids become more confident and comfortable in building friendships with their peers.

Physical development

Preschools and daycare centers aren’t just about shaping children’s cognitive development. They also focus on a child’s physical development. Sending your little one to a daycare or preschool gives them the chance to take part in activities that develop physical skills, such as coordination, balance, and motor planning. Early childcare education also allows a child to practice their hand-eye coordination, muscle control and fine motor skills.

Enthusiasm for learning

Early childhood education lays the groundwork for children’s future learning endeavors. It awakens their enthusiasm to learn more through a wide variety of play and fun structured activities. During this stage, the thirst to acquire knowledge increases. It stirs their curiosity and triggers them to seek answers to their questions.

Emotional development

A child’s emotional well-being is just as important as their cognitive, social and physical. Early childhood education provides children with a solid emotional base that will shape who they are and who they will be.

Some of the emotional skills they learn in early childcare include respect for themselves and for others, the ability to adapt to change and adjust to new situations, resolving conflicts, and many others. A home environment doesn’t necessarily teach a child about these things but early childcare centers certainly do.

Holistic development

Early childhood education focuses on the holistic development of a child. It ensures that a child grows up to be a well-rounded individual. Also, it provides a warm and secure environment where kids freely express their feelings, build friendships, explore their surroundings and push themselves to the limit. It makes a child more confident and independent with a positive self-image.

Attending early childcare centers also gives children a plethora of learning opportunities through unique experiences. They go on field trips and engage in a wide range of activities that further develop many of their abilities.

Early childhood education can benefit young kids in more ways than one. A job in this field is definitely a promising and fulfilling career to be in. If you wish to learn more about advancing your career in early childhood education, please feel free to visit the National CDA Training for more information.

5 Benefits Of Obtaining A Childhood Development Associate Credential Thu, 28 Mar 2019 11:06:49 +0000 Early childhood education may offer a wide range of benefits for both your life as well as enriching the life of a child, but many professionals may find stumbling blocks when it comes to their personal careers. Not the least of which being receiving an official CDA certification.

It’s a common myth that CDA certification is a complicated process involving hundreds of painstaking hours of redundant information and paperwork. Hours which could be better spent helping to create a more rewarding and engaged classroom.

The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth. With the popularity of online teaching and digital platforms, not only is obtaining your CDA certification more convenient and realistic… it’s more effective, as well. Scenario based training and digital simulations allow you to observe and prepare for real life situations, which can have a dramatic effect on your teaching skills and your perspective—both in your current classroom and your future.

But the benefits of obtaining your CDA certification aren’t limited to developing new teaching practices, or even as a pathway to advancing your career.

Benefits of obtaining your CDA credential

Reassurance and CDA Certification

Not only are you reaffirming your commitment to children when you receive your CDA certification, you’re providing parents with the peace of mind that you’re loyal to the integrity and standards of early childhood education. But reassurance isn’t just for adults. Children need it even more so. And the core competency standards of the CDA program enables you to provide exactly the sort of reinforcement all children need.

CDA Certification and Personal Growth

Early childhood education evolves so dramatically, it’s hard to keep up. New methods and practices are developed each day. Receiving your CDA certification helps you learn and grow with the changes, broadening your perspective on developmentally appropriate practices. Not only will you be enriched as a result—your students will, as well.

Professional Requirements and CDA Certification

The best early childhood education practices demand adherence to only the highest standards. To date, over 400,000 educators have already obtained CDA certification, ensuring their commitment to both children and early childhood education. And yes… 120 hours of preparation may seem like a daunting task. But by taking the course step by step over prolonged and flexible installments, you’ll not only meet the necessary requirements to follow in the footsteps of your peers; you’ll find yourself transformed through the process.

CDA Credential and Career Advancement

For most people, obtaining a CDA certification is the first step towards entering the field of early childhood education. After all, it does lead to better pay and far reaching opportunities. But the course changes. And as it changes, so do the demands for educators. Perhaps you want to switch from toddlers to preschool. Or simply keep up with the changes in competency standards. A CDA certificate is not only a gateway into early childhood education, it’s a pathway to your personal evolution as an educator.

Confidence and CDA Credential

While it’s true that no child should be left behind, there’s no reason why you should be either. Your understanding of education and development should be constantly evolving, and there’s no better catalyst for your personal evolution than a CDA certification. Not only will it challenge your understanding, but also it will help you grow… almost as fast as your students.

Experience The Benefit Of Your CDA Certification… At Your Convenience!

You don’t have to leave to leave home to receive CDA training. You can enjoy it in the privacy of your living room, 24/7… whenever you want! Training for a CDA license online can be fun, rewarding and entirely customizable to fit around your busy lifestyle. Our unique method combines online learning with scenario based training to provide you with virtual solutions for real world situations that are effective, practical and skill building.

National CDA Training offers:

  • Infant, Toddler and Preschool CDA training
  • Individual, Corporate and CDA Renewal training
  • A private online community with peers as well as early childhood education veterans
  • Full preparation for the CDA test

And much more…

Call us today at (866) 726-3056 to see how you can jumpstart your career through online CDA license training!

Why is Early Childhood Education Important? Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:01:51 +0000 People aspire to reach their dreams and share their passion with others. The field of education certainly calls a lot of aspirants but only a handful of them complete the journey. Being a teacher requires a lot of patience, especially in dealing with naughty children. Teachers need to understand history, math, science, and conduct reading lessons.

Children start exploring the world as soon as their parents bring them into it. They experience different things, especially when they bond with their parents. Usually, their parents become their first teachers. Kids learn music when their parents sing to them, especially when they lull them to sleep. When parents read to their children, it develops their cognitive skills. Early childhood education allows families to invest in themselves to develop and ensure their success in the future.

What is early childhood education?

Education among toddlers usually becomes a priority for parents and educators. They think that when children start school early, it helps them develop their skills. For most children, their brains develop starting from birth. Early childhood education spans from the period children were born up until eight (8) years.

Is early childhood education important?

Yes! Children’s education transforms their foundation for the future. It develops their minds for many subjects. Their bodies also develop for physical activities, both in school and in their extra-curricular activities. Moreover, it also aids in their social and cognitive development.

Education at a young age helps children learn to interact with others. It helps them learn many things such as:

  • Counting
  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Reciting nursery rhymes or poems

Most say that education forms a vital element in the child’s success in the future.

5 reasons why early childhood education is important

Most parents say that the best gift they can give to their children is education. It begins from the bonding moments every parent and child share.

Children start learning right after birth

When children are born into this world, they immediately start learning. Some parents may not notice how they educate their children socially through the cuddles they share. Their cognitive development starts when parents read to them.

Academically, children start learning when they identify shapes and colors. Their social skills start developing when they mimic the behavior of the people around them.

Early childhood educators are vital in molding children early on. They help them discover the innate skills they have that continuously develop as they age.

Early childhood education creates an impact on children’s mental and social health

In school, kids get separated from their parents. Some experience separation anxiety which makes it harder to focus on what the teacher presents in class. Early childhood educators know that their responsibility to children is of high importance. They help children to cope up with anxiety by diverting their attention to the classroom activities. Other teachers play games in order to give children some distraction and fun at the same time.

Going to school helps children learn a sense of independence as they go to the potty alone. Their parents are not there so they cannot just cry and wail for them. Children also get curious about the new environment they’re in. They discover the different elements in the playground and make new friends. Some encounter conflict as they play with other kids.

Molds children’s future

Parents who encourage their children to receive education early opens their children to opportunities in the future. As they learn at a young age, their minds store this information. When they grow up, they remember these bits of knowledge and at times, call it stock knowledge.

Their education teaches them different habits that will help in the future. When they make notes at a young age, it’s likely they will take down notes in elementary, high school, or even in college. The subjects they learn in preschool lay the foundation for their future and further studies.

Early childhood educators aid parents to identify challenges in their children

Education takes trial and error, especially with children. Some learn through visual aids. Others learn through kinetic methods. These do not necessarily ensure academic success. Education systems vary depending on the school and the administration. They create curriculum for every age bracket. If some children find it hard to learn through the common methods of their teachers, they need more help to cater to their learning needs.

Educators let children try interventions to lessen the gap and pinpoint their difficulties. Some of the factors could be:

  • Behavioral challenges
  • Lack of emotions
  • Difficulties in socializing with other children

It presents long term benefits for children

According to research, early childhood development shows that educational programs for children give positive results. This prepares them for the time that they enter school.

For families who face financial challenges, this helps their children a lot. Some children enter schools unprepared. They find it hard to read or write which other kids already know about.

Early childhood education gives parents a reason to believe in their children more. As a popular saying goes,

The youth is the hope of fatherland.
Dr. Jose Rizal

The hope of the future rests in the hands of children today. National CDA Training provides training for aspiring educators that help children and prepare them for the future. For aspiring educators, enroll now and start your journey as a childhood educator!

Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Early Childhood Education Teacher? Sat, 19 Jan 2019 10:54:58 +0000 Being an early childhood education teacher allows you to engage with infants and children up to eight (8) years of age. Interacting with children helps them develop their wit and intellect as they converse with adults. Young educators help in the social development of the children as they play with the other children in class.

What do you need to be an early childhood education teacher?

Being an early childhood educator involves a number of factors that affect the journey to becoming an educator. It begins with the passion of teaching and helping children with their education.

Read through the article and learn if you have what it takes to be an early childhood teacher.

Engage with children

Early childhood teachers enthuse children through activities that involve their bodies, minds, and their peers. It begins with simple counting activities to introduce the concept of math. Then, teachers let children play with different materials to help them grasp the concept of art. While some teachers like physical activities to let children interact with each other, a number of teachers use films, field trips, and educational games as their primary choice.

Learning is fun, especially if done with friends. Spark their imagination through storytelling or role playing. Moreover, teachers engage them through singing nursery rhymes.

How can you succeed?

Building a career as an early childhood educator begins with patience, perseverance, and passion for teaching children. Possessing great communication skills helps when  clarifying lessons to children, reassuring parents of their safety and progress, and keeping their focus on the discussion. Looking at their faces filled with laughter makes an educator’s confidence grow and feel successful.

Starting a career in this field gives an opportunity to share knowledge with children. The activities that teachers share at school molds and guides them to the path of success.

Widening your expertise

Building a career in early childhood education entails a continuous education on the part of the teacher and specialization in certain fields.

As the world diversifies, children across the country are becoming more bilingual. Bilingual teachers and qualified people to educate English as a second language have access to different career opportunities by using their skills in programs that cater to non-native English speaking children.

Careers as an early childhood education teacher

New jobs are readily available in the field of early childhood education. Teachers who continue on the early childhood education path look forward to different opportunities to expand their skills and develop the programs they teach. These improve the quality for the next generation of educators.

Any aspirant, no matter what background they come from, may enter the field of early childhood education through a degree or certification. An advocacy group, Pre-K Now, suggests that receiving a certification to become a child development associate (CDA), especially for teacher aides working with young children, toddlers and preschool. Remember that a bachelor’s degree and state teacher certification are required for those working with children in school.

What comes next?

Professors and teachers who earned their post-graduate degrees or specialization certifications may expand their careers through:

  • Administering or managing a daycare center
  • Founding a group of preschools or daycare centers in the community
  • Becoming a researcher
  • Sharing knowledge with aspiring educators

Work hours

A number of child care institutions operate all year long with long hours to accommodate working parents. Teachers work different shifts to cover morning and afternoon classes.

Other institutions offer discounts to teachers, especially for children’s tuition and fees. Moreover, some give benefits packages that include sick and vacation leave, insurance, and food allowances.

A rewarding role

One of the biggest benefits of working as a childhood educator is getting to develop the skills of children as they grow up and move on to preschool. An institution that encourages growth and career development motivates the teacher to do their best in any circumstance.


According to the BLS, the average annual salary that early childhood educators receive is around $29,000. Those working in elementary and primary schools earn an average annual salary of $45,000. Salaries vary on a number of factors which include:

  • Specialization
  • Certifications acquired
  • Trainings or seminars attended
  • Location
  • Level of expertise
  • Other factors

Improve your skills by attending trainings and seminars from National CDA Training and establish your career in early children education.

What Can You Do With An Early Childhood Education Degree? Fri, 28 Dec 2018 16:42:25 +0000 Finishing a bachelor’s degree is every person’s dream. Obtaining that degree leads to their first job, first salary, first car, and their first flat. However, what happens if a person pursues early childhood education? What comes next?

What are the options after finishing early childhood education?

Preschool teacher
Preschool teacher playing with children

Finishing a degree in early childhood education opens various paths. Most take the academic route and become teachers. Others explore what’s beyond the academic world. Some become home-based child care workers, while others work their way to become school directors.

However, before choosing the path for you, it is vital to obtain a CDA license online. To start with, the online course requires a minimum of 120 hours of study. This depends on the weight of the subject. Some conduct training from six (6) months up until a year. That gives ample time to excel in the field of early childhood education. Some require 480 hours of work in the field before obtaining their license.

Once the training is done, schedule a visit to get accredited and become a child development associate. Here are the career options you have when you become a certified CDA.

Become a preschool teacher

Parents are meticulous with their toddlers’ preschool and want the best teachers. Preschool is a crucial time that helps mold the toddler. This phase develops their motor and social skills as they explore the world.

Teachers introduce books, music, arts and crafts, and other activities. For a toddler, preschool contributes a lot to the toddler’s life as their first schooling experience.

Be a kindergarten teacher

Before entering preschool, kids go through kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers help them transition into a more structured school environment. Teachers begin introducing seating arrangements and nap times. They need a holistic educational background since they teach subjects like Math, English, and Reading in the classrooms.

Taking the kindergarten teaching path means teachers must deal with the academic and emotional intelligence of the students. They prepare students for first grade and beyond. Demand for kindergarten teachers fluctuates depending on the location and their educational background.

Teaching assistant

Every teacher needs an assistant in the classroom. Their responsibilities focus on helping the lead teachers. Being a teaching assistant encompasses reinforcing what the lead teacher taught during the day. They help in creating lesson materials, checking the attendance, monitoring behavior, and preventing cheating during exams. Generally, they help enforce the rules inside and outside the classroom.

Some schools require teaching assistants to finish high school. This makes the position perfect for those who want to take early childhood education as a major. It allows students to work with children and observe them in the classroom.

Home child care worker

A home child care worker ensures the health, safety, and education of the children assigned to them. Most of the people know this as a nanny. Child care workers educate children by providing structured activities similar to those found in schools. They help children communicate with their parents.

Educational consultant

An educational consultant aid schools and other educational institutions to help them formulate curriculum fit for the students. In addition, they create sets of programs, rules and regulations that mold the behavior of the students. These help predict the possible effects for the whole academic year.

However, not all consultants are limited to that. Some help other organizations that are related to child care and education. With a degree in early childhood education, it helps them collaborate with school administrators.

School director

A school director supervises an entire school. They help in setting up the curriculum for the academic year. A lot of day care centers, preschools, and other educational institutions need administrative staff to implement these rules. Moreover, a school director primarily trains the staff on how to handle the children.

With an early childhood education degree, there are a lot of career paths for you to choose from. If this inspires you to become an educator, begin the journey by taking courses for your CDA license at National CDA Training.

Why Study Early Childhood Education Sat, 15 Dec 2018 14:21:30 +0000 The path of a child educator starts with learning the basics of how to take care of children. For starters, education begins at home with parents and continues at schools. Some choose the best preschool that parents know will teach the best to their children.

But here are reasons to study early childhood education.

Early childhood education suits those who love children

People who love children find a path that brings children their way. Some go into teaching to get closer with children. For those interested in working with children, studying early childhood education is a good first step. Handling children takes a great deal of time. Preparing for this gives the best chance to perform well on the job.

early childhood education
teacher with children playing musical instruments

This gives aspiring educators a chance to think of different ways of teaching children. Remember, the first thing to become a child educator – love children dearly.

Freely communicating thoughts becomes easier

When someone achieves a degree in early childhood education, they get a full grasp of how the minds of the young children work. They formulate effective strategies for educating children.

If they aspire to be the best educators in the field, they need to be open to expression. When working with kids, educators need to continuously have fresh ideas that keep them engaged. Most of the time, teachers agree that teaching children comes easier than teaching teens and adults. Teens and adults, who already have developed their own views of the world, often question what the teacher says.

Teachers must strategize how to conquer these teaching challenges they will face every day.

Interest in sharing the knowledge gained

Before stepping into the field, fellow aspirants find different reasons to why they chose that field. However, in a number of cases, educators choose this field since they want to pass on whatever knowledge they gained throughout their journey.

Most children look up to their teachers especially on how they teach them. Being the second parents at school, they admire them on how they study, manage things, and communicate with others.

When teachers pursue this field, it begins with their love for children and the willingness to share their passion. Harnessing that passion is necessary to pursue a long-term career in the field.

Find a career related to early childhood education

People find a career they want to last. The path to education provides a lot of job opportunities. Taking the path of early childhood education may be a good choice. Currently, the population around the world continues to grow and there will always be a need for more teachers.

As time passes, children grow and find their own path. In turn, they may become researchers, professors, or even consultants for those who want to take early childhood education as well.

A chance for educational change

Some aspire to create change in the system. When people study early childhood education, it enlightens every person to improve the educational system. A number of well-renowned professionals join civic organizations to advocate about the opportunities they present children.

For those that aspire to a career in early childhood education, begin with obtaining a CDA license online.

How to improve your career with a CDA license

Improving a career begins with taking CDA training that helps aspiring educators become better at work. Some programs require at least 120 hours of online course work to get credit. Aside from online courses, obtaining a license needs around 480 hours of working with children. That’s similar to undergoing an internship . Once these requirements are accomplished, get in touch with the Council for Professional Recognition, which manages CDA licensing. A CDA professional will schedule a visit to conduct a review of your performance.

Build a career with early childhood education by obtaining a CDA license online. Attend training and workshops with National CDA Training.

How Can I become a Daycare Teacher? Fri, 30 Nov 2018 14:54:38 +0000 daycare teacher helping a toddler
Being a daycare teacher requires lots of patience

The job of a daycare teacher involves more than watching children every day. Part of their duties includes making sure children are safe. They also play a significant role in a child’s education. This includes their health, growth and overall development. These are the things that make being a daycare teacher a challenging yet rewarding job. If this is a career you want pursue, you need to have certain positive qualities to be successful at this job. Remember that you will have to deal with the ever-changing personalities of toddlers and young kids. Read on to learn all the things you need to know to become a daycare teacher.

Education and training

Daycare teachers have to meet the educational and training requirements of their employer and the state. They need to take the necessary courses in child development to be able to understand the skills that children need to learn at each stage. This training equips daycare teachers to help kids achieve these milestones. Most employers accept daycare teachers with a minimum of a high school diploma or the equivalent. Certain preschools prefer to hire those who have a certification or completed post secondary classes in early childhood education. Preschools in some states even require daycare teachers to have previous experience.

If you are looking for advancement in early childcare, an associate or bachelor’s degree would help. Associate degree programs usually include: classes focusing on child behavior and development, parent-teacher relationships, programs and curriculum, and the learning environments. For Head Start programs, a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education is required. But if you have a degree in a different field and you want to pursue a career in early childcare, you must have an experience working with children under five.

Professional certifications

Employers and states have varying requirements. Certain preschools and daycare centers require a national certification. The National Childcare Association offers the CCP or the Child Care Professional Certification. This requires classroom experience as well as continuing education courses. Those who hold a high school diploma or equivalent are eligible for the certification. The Council for Professional Regulation also awards the CDA credential. It is also part of the licensing regulations for the 50 states in the US.


A pleasing appearance is also an important factor for being a daycare teacher. This is because children usually mimic the adults around them. Make sure that you serve as a good example to the kids under your care. Your clothes should look clean and decent. Dress comfortably so that it’s easier for you to interact and play games with children. Do not use foul language and be sure to avoid inappropriate behavior.


A good daycare teacher is someone who knows how to impose discipline in the classroom using an appropriate set of strategies. This is important to avoid chaos in the daycare setting. Maintaining discipline doesn’t require complicated rules. You need to know how to use simple rules that little children can follow.


To be a successful daycare teacher, you must have that passion in your heart. You have to want to work with children and be part of their development. This means that despite the challenges, you know you can enjoy working with kids. It’s also important that you are kind to every child under your care despite their race or background. Your focus should be on the best interest of the children above everything else.

Being a daycare teacher may be challenging but it is a rewarding job. If you wish to pursue a career in early childcare as a daycare teacher, these are the requirements you must meet. If you are looking toward future advancement within a daycare facility, you may consider obtaining a CDA credential. For more information about earning a Child Development Associate credential, please visit National CDA Training.

Want to know how much does a daycare teacher make in the United States?

9 Reasons to Become a Preschool Teacher Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:07:18 +0000
preschool teacher making crafts with kids
Being a preschool teacher is a fun job

Pursuing a career as a teacher in the field of early childhood education is no easy task. As a preschool teacher, you  help young children grow into successful individuals. Aside from training and education, it’s also important to have that burning passion to help kids learn. While this job can be challenging on most days, it is also rewarding and fulfilling. If this is a career you consider, here are some wonderful reasons to become a preschool teacher.

The chance to witness numerous milestones

You are privileged to be the first one to witness many groundbreaking moments. These are the daily “wins” that will make you feel-rewarded and keep you motivated.

The ability to help children in new ways

Each child has a different learning style. The beauty of being a preschool teacher is using different approaches. You can – apply the methods that are most effective for children.

The feeling you get from successfully overcoming challenges

There will be times when you question how much patience you have left. Witnessing your students making a breakthrough will be the turning point. It will be the moment when you’ll realize that being a preschool teacher is  a rewarding career.

Opportunities to get better at multitasking

To be an effective preschool teacher, one must be good at multitasking and staying organized. This is important when you are teaching early learning students. This will help you stay in control and manage children’s behavior. Practicing this daily will improve your organization as well as multi-tasking skills.

The responsibility of ensuring children’s safety

Being a preschool teacher means making sure that the children under your care are safe. This will give you the fulfilling feeling that you’re able to help young kids  grow into responsible individuals.

Having students who will thank you when they’re grown

This is one of the reasons why preschool teachers realize they love this career path – having students coming back to – thank- them. It might take several years away. Knowing that you’ve done something to make a difference in a person’s life is definitely worth all the time and effort.

The learning opportunity to be a better parent

Another great benefit of being a preschool teacher is that it prepares you for parenthood. The love and passion you have for helping kids learn makes you a natural around children. Your job also improves your ability to connect with kids and makes you a cool parent.

The ability to tap your own inner child

Through the fun games and activities, being a preschool teacher gives you the ability to tap your own inner child. It gives you  opportunities to go back and explore your childlike experiences. You can use them to inspire your creative skills.

The health and retirement benefits

Some of the promising perks of being a preschool teacher include the health and retirement benefits. If you’re passionate about this field, you already have security for potential health issues as well as retirement..

Preschool Teacher Qualifications

Being a preschool teacher is a rewarding career. Here are also a number of requirements to be certified as a teacher. First, you need to have a high school diploma or an associate degree. If you will be teaching in a public school, a bachelor’s degree is needed. Other requirements may include whatever the state laws and specific employers need. Certifications recognized nationally would also become a huge help.

If you want to become a preschool teacher,   you can benefit from earning a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. It will equip you with the necessary training and knowledge so you can be the best at what you do. For more information about obtaining a CDA credential in your state and preparing for the CDA credential online, please feel free to visit National CDA Training.

8 Things to Remember about Child Growth and Development Tue, 13 Nov 2018 13:40:49 +0000
parent helping in child growth and development
All care givers are responsible for child growth and development

Have you ever wondered how an infant learns how to crawl and walk? How they learn how to talk? All these are parts of child development. Child development refers to a period of physical, cognitive and social growth that a person goes through from birth to early adulthood. It is important to note that parents are not the only ones that impact a child’s growth. If you pursue a career a childcare, you have to be aware that you also play a significant role in this process. Read on and learn important points about child growth and development.

  • Adverse early childhood experiences can create a lasting impact. These experiences not only affect their brain. They also affect multiple organ systems leading to poor physical and mental experiences.
  • Genetics is not the only determining factor that impact child development. A child’s environment affects their growth too. Environmental factors have the ability to alter or impact family genetics.
  • Aside from their parents, children need to form relationships with other adults. Both within and outside the family. Having multiple caregivers can help promote a child’s social and emotional development.
  • The basic aspects of brain functions develop during a child’s first three years. This doesn’t mean that the window of opportunity for development stops then.

  • Young children who experience prolonged periods of neglect suffer as much, or even worse than those who are physically abused. They exhibit more serious attention problems, cognitive impairments, academic difficulties, language deficits and issues with peer interaction.
  • Children who have been exposed to violence are not doomed to become violent adults. They may be at greater risk for adverse impact on brain development. It can be prevented with the help of nurturing relationships with supportive caregivers.
  • Removing a child from a dangerous situation will not immediately reverse the negative impact. Their sense of control and safety can only be restored with supportive care. They may also need therapy to facilitate their recovery.
  • A child’s coping skills is developed through a reliable and supportive relationship. The presence of at least one of these relationships may be enough to strengthen a person’s capacity to handle challenges.

Importance of a daycare teacher in child growth and development

Daycare teachers play a very significant role in a child’s growth and development. They do more than watch over kids and making sure their needs are met. They help foster the intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth of children.

A daycare teacher makes learning possible by incorporating fun and education. They create lessons that engage and educate children at the same time. They make sure that the basic needs of children are provided. They make sure that proper nutrition is supplied. They also perform cleaning duties. They are patient enough to deal with children’s behavioral issues.

Benefits of a CDA credential to daycare teacher

Working as a daycare teacher is a physically and mentally demanding job. This is where a CDA credential comes in handy. The CDA or Child Development Associate Credential is a nationally recognized credential. It is based on a set of competency standards which guide early childcare professionals to becoming qualified teachers.

By earning a CDA, you will have opportunities you need to learn more about young children. You will be equipped with the knowledge you need to be – confident at what you do. A CDA will also serve as your stepping stone if you wish to move your career forward.

These are some of the many advantages of earning a CDA credential. If you want to learn the best practices for teaching young kids, the CDA is right for you! Learn how to qualify for the credential and contact National CDA Training for more information.

What Qualities Do You Need to Work in a Daycare? Wed, 31 Oct 2018 05:28:09 +0000
preschool teacher
Being a preschool teacher is lots of fun

Professionals working in the field of early childhood education have a fulfilling, challenging, and exciting job. Imagine working with children and taking part in the early and crucial stages of their growth and development. Not only will you be responsible for imparting lessons and teaching children skills that will prepare them for future academic endeavors, but you will also be responsible for ensuring their health and safety. If this is a career you could see yourself doing in the future, you need to prove that you have what it takes to be a childcare worker. Take a look at the list below to find the necessary requirements to work in a daycare.

Caring for children is your passion

As a childcare professional, caring for children should be second nature to you. It should be your passion. It can’t be something you feel obligated or forced to do. It means that you look at children as people who deserve love, care, and respect regardless of their behavior, background, or race.

You have a lot of patience

It’s not easy to deal and work with preschoolers if you’re someone who does not have a lot of patience. Many times, children are restless and difficult to control. Some even have more difficult behaviors that are tough to handle. Your patience will be tested. At times, it can be a tough job. If you’re able to handle all sorts of behavior and still manage to keep your cool, then this job might be a great fit for you.

You are creative

As a daycare professional, it is important to be imaginative and creative. You should be able to think outside of the box and look for creative ways to capture the attention of children. For example, lessons must be delivered in a fun and exciting way so they can stay focused on the discussion. Think of how you can develop activities and games that can stimulate their brains and keep them entertained while they learn.

You are responsible

Being a childcare educator means that you act like a second parent to the children at your school. It means that you have to be responsible enough to ensure that those under your care are safe and secure. You should be able to create an environment that is healthy, friendly, and educational for children. You should also be able to respond to their different needs at once and have the ability to multitask.

You have excellent communication skills

Good communication skills are crucial for professionals working in early childcare. Good communication skills go beyond verbal conversation. Aside from listening to children, it is important that you also understand non-verbal cues so you can learn the cause  behind their behavior. Also, you should be able to deliver clear messages and instructions. Know how to listen to their concerns without bias or prejudice.

You are decisive

Pursuing a career in early childhood education requires the ability to make decisions confidently and quickly. There will be several classroom situations that will call for a decision and you should never be afraid to make one.

If you are confident that you have these qualities and you want to pursue a career as a childcare worker, below are the other important requirements to work in a daycare.

Training and certification

Child care is a demanding job. It requires a certain level of training, as well as adequate experience to make sure that you are fit for the job. If you are serious about pursuing this career path, it is best to obtain a CDA(Child Development Associate) credential from the Council for Professional Recognition. A CDA credential can benefit your career in more ways than one. Aside from being a stepping stone to career advancement, this credential opens up more job opportunities. It is also a demonstration of your knowledge and skills in the early childhood education field, which helps increase your confidence in your chosen craft.

Necessary skills

Like previously mentioned, childcare workers need to have a lot of patience, as well as stamina to work with active kids. You must be able to get along with people and children regardless of their age and background.  You should have strong communication skills and be able to communicate with children as well as their parents. An ability to explain things clearly in a way children can easily understand is essential.

The job of a childcare worker is never easy. This is the reason why they must possess specific qualities and skill sets to make sure they are prepared for the role. If you think you have what it takes to pursue a career in the field of early childhood education, allow us to help you take your career further. Earn your CDA credential. Get the best training for the CDA exam from National CDA Training.
